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Chapel of the Hospital, or Arogyasala (or "house for the sick") is a small chapel located not far from the capital gates in Angkor. The Chapel of the Hospital, located opposite Ta Keo, is one of two chapels that can be easily explored; the other is Ta Prohm Kel near Angkor Wat.

Hospitals have been established in the Angkor area as early as the reign of Yashovarman I (ca. 889-907AD), but it was Jayavarman VII who was credited for making a special effort to ensure that they are run smoothly. The Chapel of the Hospital at Ta Keo is a small sandstone monument built by Jayavarman VII in Angkor Thom. The hospital themselves have long disappeared, and only the chapel now remains.

The sanctuary of this chapel faces the east. Its other sides are adorned with false doors. This being the work of Jayavarman VII, the decoration is similar to that of the Bayon. A drainage channel, called somasutra, takes lustral water out of the sanctuary through its northern wall, just like at Ta Prohm Kel. Scattered on the ground around the chapel monument are fragments of pediments and lintels carved with scenes from Buddhism.

Chapel of the Hospital, near Ta Keo.

Construction Details

Built in the 12th century by Jayavarman VII

How to reach the Chapel of the Hospital

The Chapel of the Hospital is 150 meters direct west of Ta Keo. Follow the direction to Ta Keo, and then look for it on the opposite side of the road. The Chapel of the Hospital is an insignificant Angkor site, and is unlikely to be featured in the itinerary of packaged tours. You most likely have to explore it on your own.

Chapel of the Hospital front view.

Chapel of the Hospital in the clearing.

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